
Gain an understanding of issues such as inflation and deflation, employment and unemployment, 经济稳定 和经济增长.

The 经济学小 provides an opportunity for students in any major to study how societies produce, 分发, and consume goods and services in traditional, command, 市场经济. Students can gain an understanding of the reasons for, and alternative policies to deal with, issues such as inflation and deflation, employment and unemployment, 经济稳定, 和经济增长. The 经济学小 will supplement studies in other disciplines and increase students’ understanding of political and economic issues.


The following four courses are required (12 cr.):

  • EC 211宏观经济学
  • EC 212 Microeconomics (Prerequisite; EC 211)
  • EC 331 Money and Banking (Prerequisite: EC 211)
  • EC 340V (G) Global Economic Issues

Two additional courses from the following list are required (6 cr.):

  • EC 338V Wealth and Poverty
  • EC 443公共财政
  • EC 445 American Economic 历史
  • FN 435 International Finance (Prerequisites: EC 212 and FN 226)

Major in 社会科学 with Emphasis in Economics

This specialization allows you to pursue your interest in Economics while benefiting from the integrated, interdisciplinary course of study that comprises Dominican University’s 社会科学 major.  For details, please see 社会科学.